Let us know your straight truck fuel capacities for your new plan.
We work with you to tailor your Response Plan to your mobile fueling area, who you contract spill clean-up with, and your staffing.
Marine Mobile Fueling Page
If you are planning on conducting Marine Mobile Fueling Operations, the U.S. Coast Guard requires that you have an Operations Manual and Response Plan.
Safety Kaizen, LLC can help you quickly put together these documents for submission to the U.S.C.G.
We would also draft the Letter of Intent for you, required under 33 CFR 154.110.
You would print three copies of each plan. (Two for U.S.C.G. and one for your company.)
Here is how we layout the Operations Manual and Response Plan to meet the U.S. Coast Guard.
We add you specific information and your company details, provided by you.
Marine Fueling Operations Manual Typical Table of Contents
Section Description
1. Geographic location
2. Physical description
3. Hours of operation
4. Size, type and number of vessels
5. Product information
6. Minimum number of personnel on duty during a transfer and their duties
7. Names and numbers of who to call in an emergency
8. Duties of the Watchman for unmanned vessels
9. Description of each communication system
10. Location and facilities of each personnel shelter
11. Description and instructions for the use of drip and discharge collection and vessel slop reception facilities
12. Description and the location of each emergency shutdown system
13. Monitoring Devices
14. Quantity, type, location, and instructions for use, and time limits for gaining access to containment equipment
15. Quantity, type, location, and instructions for use of fire extinguishing equipment
16. Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) of each loading arm, transfer pipe system, and hose assembly
17. Procedures
18. Procedures for reporting and initial containment of oil or hazardous material discharges
19. A brief summary of applicable Federal, state, and local oil or hazardous material pollution laws and regulations
20. Procedures for shielding portable lighting authorized by the Captain of the Port
21. Description of the training and qualification program for persons in charge:
22. Hazardous material transfer hose markings
23. Tank cleaning or stripping operations
Appendix A Diagrams on the Trucks
Appendix B Copies of the MSDS’s
Appendix C Facility Booming Plan
33C. Marine Fueling Response Plan Contents
Section Description ____________________
1. Introduction and Plan Contents
2. Emergency Response Action Plan:
(i) Notification Procedures
(ii) Facility’s Spill Mitigation Procedures
(iii) Facility’s Response Activities
(iv) Fish and Wildlife and Sensitive Environments
(v) Disposal Plan
3. Training: and Exercises
(i) Training Procedures
(ii) Exercise Procedures
4. Plan Review and Update Procedures
5. Appendices
(1) Facility-Specific Information
(2) List of Contacts
(3) Equipment List and Records
(4) Communications Plan
(5) Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan
(6) List of Acronyms and Definitions
Note: The Operations Manual and Response Plan are for the company’s use only, not to be resold or bartered.
These plans may require an additional company investment in clean-up services, spill materials or oil booms, safety equipment, employee training, and the plans must be submitted to the U.S.C.G., by your company, for their approval.
Safety Kaizen, LLC accepts no liability or responsibility for any damage, incidents, injuries, or clean-up caused by mobile fueling or response activities - or the use of the Operations Manual and/ or Response Plan.
Let's work together and come up with an Operation Plan and Response Plan that works for you, so you can get your USCG approval so you can expand your business!
OSHA, 2021 - PPE for Emergency Response and Recovery Workers.
EPA.gov, 2022, Emergency Response Personal Protective Equipment Level A to D Protection
OSHA, 2008 Publication - Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
NIOSH/ OSHA/ USCG/ EPA Occupational Safety Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities
DOT, 2024, Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)
OSHA/ NIEHS Safety and Health Awareness for Oil Spill Cleanup Workers
Mobile Mobile Fueling Plans for USCG Navigable Waterways in all 50 States: |Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | Washington DC | West Virginia | Wisconsin | and | Wyoming |
The listing of navigability determinations for waters is maintained in accordance with Title 33, Subpart 2.10 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
It includes formal determinations made by the Coast Guard, as well as those made by the courts or Congress.
The information contained in the video and written content posted represents the views and opinions of the original creators of the video and written content and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Safety Kaizen, LLC.
No attempt has been made to list those waterways “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” as that phrase is used in the Federal Boating Safety Act (Title 46 United States Code § 4301 et. seq.).
Additionally, the extent of navigable waters under the Clean Water Act (Title 33 United States Code § 1321 et. seq.) may be broader.
Except for waterways determined to be “navigable waters of the United States”, this list does not list waters otherwise “Subject to the Jurisdiction of the United States” as that term is used in Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations § 2.05-30(b), (c), & (d).
Waters that are subject to tidal influence, whether listed or not, are considered navigable for the purposes of general Coast Guard jurisdiction to the limits of tidal influence. (See Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations § 2.05-25).
Where an “X” is shown under “NAV CG”, this indicates that either the entire waterway or certain portions of it are considered to be navigable. Limits on the extent of navigability will be explained in the comment.
Navigability determinations for some waterways may be for a limited purpose (i.e., bridge permitting, recreational vessel fee, etc.). These limitations will also be explained in the comments.
Waterways not contained on this list may or may not be navigable.
There absence indicates that no determination has been made by the Coast Guard, the courts, or by Congress concerning their navigability. This list is subject at change at any time should a new or contrary determination be made.
Navigability determinations made by the Coast Guard are for the purposes of exercising Coast Guard authority and jurisdiction only.
They should not be construed as determinative of jurisdiction under admiralty and general maritime law, state law, or for jurisdiction by other federal agencies (such as the Army Corps of Engineers).
Fish and Wildlife and Sensitive Environments are mapped and they provide a concise summary of coastal resources that are at risk if an oil or chemical spill occurs nearby. Examples of at-risk resources include birds, shellfish beds, sensitive shorelines (such as coral reefs), and public beaches and parks. This is a section of a sample map.
https://safetykaizen.com/ is a privately operated site offering business safety and risk services, and is in not affiliated with OSHA, Cal/OSHA, EPA, or any government websites.
ken@safetykaizen.com Safety Kaizen, LLC - Serving select business clients in the Greater Phoenix, AZ area, Southern California, and throughout the United States.
‡ Disclosure: Safety Kaizen, LLC website advertising and information is not legal or business advice. Thank you for your business!
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